Roxana Nicolau
Vicepresident - Romanian Institute of Schema Therapy
Advanced Schema Therapist, trainer and supervisor
I have always been interested in people and their stories, their emotions and the way they think. Somehow, just as there are natural born storytellers, I think of myself as a good listener, by nature. I like listening, I have always… or nearly always liked that.
I have always been interested in stories, which is why I simply devour books and movies, and if I find a good book is just as wonderful as meeting a person.
I first graduated a faculty of exact sciences, but ended up working at an NGO where, once again, I came across people and their life, love and grief stories.
I understood I still enjoyed stories and realized what I wanted to do.
22 years later, I still listen to people’s stories and remain just as fascinated with how different these people’s lives would be had their childhood been different, had they made different choices and had their parents led a different life.
At some point, along this listening journey, l met Jeffrey Young and listened to Wendy Behary – and all of my clients’ stories have ever since changed. I was able to grasp people’s suffering differently. I could see my own torment in a different light and, in particular, I could expose myself to my own vulnerability.
I became a mother some time ago and I understood that all of us, parents, have good intentions when it comes to raising our children, but we somehow lose our way by straying on familiar paths of emotional deprivation or perfectionism. And we find it difficult to come to a happy end with our own life stories, which hurts. And I also found out that the best thing we could do for them is to learn to love one another, otherwise how could we know how to love them?
You can contact Roxana here: