Date: 10.11.2022
Hours: 18:00 – 19:30
Location: ZOOM
Price: free
Trainer: asist. univ. dr. Petrișor Țepurlui
Identification of target population: personality disorders, CPTSD, PTSD, other dissociative risk disorders;
Usefulness of the concepts of schema therapy in relation to the vulnerable/hypersensitive patient
Tuning with the client and identifying the optimal strategy for responding to the client’s relational offer
In this webinar Petrișor aims to present some specifics of schema-focused intervention in relation to clients who are at risk of dissociation and who may go through a retraumatization process when trying to reprocess traumatic memories or events.
It will focus on a number of indicators of dissociation and disorganization and provide some simple ways of grounding in the present and reconnecting with the self.
It will also explain the concepts of relational offering and relational expectation, their role in the dynamics of the therapeutic relationship, and how to identify therapeutic strategies for reparenting appropriate to different relational offerings and expectations.
About the trainer: Petrișor Țepurlui is a cognitive-behavioural psychotherapist with over 20 years of therapeutic experience. Initially trained in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis, under the guidance of Prof. Irina Holdevici, he continued his training with trainings in Jungian Analytical Psychotherapy, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Strategic Psychotherapy and many other short courses and trainings. Her passion for Schema Therapy was awakened by Jeffrey Young’s manual, discovered in 2008, the natural consequence being to bring a certified Schema Therapy trainer to Romania and to initiate, with his help, the first internationally certified training in Schema Therapy. Currently, Petrișor Țepurlui is an internationally certified advanced level Schema Therapy psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor, being concerned with Schema Therapy connections with other third wave orientations, such as DBT or ACT.
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